Justin Goff – List Building Accelerator

Justin Goff – List Building Accelerator

Justin Goff – List Building Accelerator

If you’ve ever tried to build an email list from scratch, you know how frustrating it can be. Sure, everyone tells you “the money is in the list,” but no one gives you the roadmap for how to get there. That’s where Justin Goff’s List Building Accelerator comes in—a no-nonsense, results-driven course designed to take you from zero to a profitable email list in no time. Whether you’re brand new to the email marketing game or you’ve been at it for a while and just need a boost, this course has something for everyone.

So, why is this course different? And why should you care? Grab your notepad (or just keep scrolling), and let’s break it all down.

Course ScreenShot

Justin Goff – List Building Accelerator

Part 1: Basics and Beyond—Building a Solid Foundation

When you first dive into the List Building Accelerator, you’ll start with the basics—picking a niche, setting up your list, and creating an opt-in page that works. But don’t be fooled by the word “basic.” Even seasoned marketers often overlook these foundational steps, and that’s why Justin dedicates Part 1 to making sure you get it right from the get-go.

1.1 Picking a Profitable Niche

Choosing the right niche is crucial to building a money-making list, and Justin walks you through how to pick one that’s both profitable and interesting to you. One of the course’s gems is that it emphasizes you can start building an email list in almost any niche—whether it’s health, finance, or even quirky hobby markets.

Why is this so important? Many courses gloss over this step, but it’s key to creating a list that actually converts. And, don’t worry if you’re not an expert in your chosen niche—Justin’s step-by-step guidance makes it easy to get started even if no one knows who you are (yet).

1.2 Setting Up Your List (No Tech Skills Required)

You don’t need to be a tech wizard to set up an email list. Justin will walk you through every step, from choosing an email service provider to setting up your first opt-in page. Even if you’re new to email marketing, you’ll find that the process is much easier than you think—especially with Justin’s guidance.

1.3 Free Traffic Sources to Jumpstart Your List

One of the standout features in Part 1 is the revelation of three free traffic sources that you can use to build your list without spending a penny on ads. Imagine getting your first 100 subscribers without paying for Facebook or Google Ads! Whether you’re on a tight budget or just want to keep costs low, this part of the course is invaluable. Plus, Justin will show you how to start monetizing your list almost immediately, so you can see returns on your effort right away.

Part 2: List-Building Secrets of the Pros

Once you’ve got the basics under your belt, it’s time to hit the accelerator. Part 2 is where the real magic happens. Here, you’ll uncover advanced strategies used by Justin and his co-instructor, Mike, to skyrocket their list growth and profit potential.

2.1 Piggybacking Hack: Mike’s Secret to Explosive Growth

You’ve probably heard that collaborations are a great way to grow your audience, but Mike’s piggybacking hack takes it to the next level. He’ll show you how to partner with other influencers or businesses to tap into their audience and get more opt-ins—without spending money on ads. In fact, Mike shares a simple opt-in page template that’s been a game changer for him, allowing him to grow his list quickly without relying on paid traffic.

2.2 Traffic Secrets Without the Big Names

Even if you’re not a well-known name in your industry, Justin and Mike will teach you how to attract quality leads. Mike’s #1 traffic source for getting people who are ready to spend money on your list is pure gold. By filtering out the freebie seekers, you’ll be able to focus on building a list of serious buyers. This is an area where most marketers fall short, but the List Building Accelerator will make sure you’re ahead of the game.

2.3 Justin’s Six Proven Tactics for List Building

As if the course didn’t already offer enough, Justin also shares his six favorite list-building tactics that have worked time and time again. These are tried-and-tested strategies that you can implement immediately to start seeing results. And because these tactics are diverse, you can pick the ones that work best for your business or industry.

Part 3: Private Group Coaching—Support Every Step of the Way

One of the biggest benefits of the List Building Accelerator is that you’re not left to figure things out on your own. With private group coaching, you’ll have direct access to Justin for six weeks, giving you the opportunity to ask questions, get feedback, and fine-tune your strategy as you go. This is huge for accountability and progress. Plus, each week, you’ll jump on a live call where you can connect with other students, share wins, and get the support you need.

If you can’t make a live call? No problem! Every session is recorded, so you’ll never miss out on the valuable insights.

Bonus Features: What Else Do You Get?

On top of the core training, Justin has included three killer bonuses to help accelerate your results.

Bonus #1: How to Acquire a Ready-to-Mail List for $0 Upfront

Let’s say you don’t want to build a list from scratch. Justin’s got you covered with this genius hack. He’ll show you how to acquire a pre-built list of 10,000+ email addresses for $0 upfront. You’ll also get a list of over 600 businesses that may be willing to hand over their email list, allowing you to hit the ground running.

Bonus #2: Free Traffic Sources to Get Your First Subscribers

This bonus complements the traffic strategies in Part 1, giving you even more options for building your list using free methods. With these additional traffic sources, getting your first names on your list is easier than ever.

Bonus #3: Getting Big Affiliates to Promote Your List

This might be the best underground tactic you’ve never heard of—getting affiliates to build your list for you. Even if no one knows who you are, Justin teaches you how to leverage affiliates to grow your list of high-value buyers without breaking the bank. This method alone could pay for the course ten times over.

Why You Can’t Afford to Miss Out

To sum it up, Justin Goff’s List Building Accelerator is one of the most comprehensive email marketing courses available today. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re ready to scale an existing list, this course offers actionable, real-world strategies that deliver results. With access to free traffic methods, expert coaching, and a treasure trove of bonuses, it’s a no-brainer for anyone serious about email marketing.

Ready to grow your list and start profiting from your email marketing? Don’t wait—sign up for the List Building Accelerator today, and unlock the potential of a highly engaged, money-making email list.

P.S. If you’re still on the fence, remember that building a list is one of the best long-term investments you can make for your business. The sooner you start, the faster you’ll see the results!

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