John Bejakovic – Simple Money Email

John Bejakovic – Simple Money Email

John Bejakovic – Simple Money Email

In today’s digital age, email marketing is still one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. But, let’s face it—most of the emails we get in our inbox are pretty forgettable. They’re long, cluttered, and frankly, they just don’t stand out. It’s easy to hit delete, right? That’s where John Bejakovic and his Simple Money Email strategy come in to shake things up. John has crafted a technique that strips away the fluff and gets straight to the point, ensuring your emails aren’t just opened but actually acted upon.

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John Bejakovic – Simple Money Email

What is Simple Money Email All About?

If you’ve ever been frustrated by long, winding emails that go nowhere—or worse, if you’ve written one of those yourself—then Simple Money Email is exactly what you need. John Bejakovic, who’s been in the email marketing game for over a decade, developed this approach to streamline the process. The goal? Get your message across quickly and effectively so people engage with it, not ignore it.

John’s philosophy is that the simpler the email, the better. It’s not about writing novels or overloading people with information. Instead, he teaches you how to focus on what matters most and cut straight to the chase. This way, you can craft emails that get results—whether that’s driving sales, increasing sign-ups, or building stronger customer relationships.

A Bit About John Bejakovic

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of Simple Money Email, let’s talk about John Bejakovic himself. He’s not just some random guy with a theory about email marketing. John has spent years in the trenches, writing emails for businesses large and small, helping them boost conversions and drive revenue. His background in copywriting and email strategy makes him an expert in crafting compelling, results-driven emails. Over the years, John has honed his technique, and Simple Money Email is the culmination of all that experience.

What sets John apart is his focus on practicality. He’s not about overwhelming you with jargon or fancy theories. Instead, he offers actionable steps that you can implement immediately, even if you’re completely new to email marketing.

Why Simple Money Email Works

Okay, so what makes Simple Money Email different from every other email marketing course out there? It’s all about simplicity and focus. Instead of trying to cram every detail into a single email, John teaches you to prioritize. What’s the core message? What’s the one thing you want your reader to do after they open the email?

By narrowing the focus, you make it easier for the recipient to digest the content and, most importantly, take action. John’s approach isn’t just about writing shorter emails for the sake of brevity—it’s about writing the right emails that resonate with the reader and lead them down the path you want them to take.

One of the key benefits of this approach is that it saves you time. You don’t need to spend hours crafting a single email. Once you understand the core principles of Simple Money Email, you can quickly draft messages that are both concise and compelling. And because you’re not overwhelming your audience with too much information, they’re more likely to actually read and respond to what you’re saying.

What You Get with Simple Money Email

If you decide to dive into John Bejakovic’s Simple Money Email, here’s what you can expect:

1. Core Training

The heart of the program is the Simple Money Email training. This is where John breaks down the entire email creation process into two easy-to-follow steps. The course is hosted online in a members-only area, so you can access it anytime. And don’t worry—it’s mostly text-based with a few images to keep things interesting. It’s designed to be quick, easy, and informative, allowing you to absorb the lessons and put them into action right away.

John’s whole philosophy is based on keeping things simple. The idea is that anyone can do this, even if you’re new to email marketing or don’t consider yourself much of a writer. He walks you through each step of the process, from writing compelling subject lines to crafting a message that motivates readers to click through.

2. Email Swipe Files

This is a game-changer. John has put together a swipe file of 51 of his best-performing emails. These aren’t just random examples—they’re proven emails that have driven real results for him and his clients. What’s even better is that each email is annotated, so you can see exactly why it works. John breaks down the key components, showing you how to apply the same strategies to your own campaigns.

These swipe files are incredibly valuable because they give you real-world examples of how to implement the Simple Money Email strategy. You can even model your own emails after these examples, tweaking them to fit your brand and audience.

3. Quick & Dirty Emails That Make Money

In this bonus, John shares insights from a presentation he gave to a high-end mastermind group. He reveals how he managed to generate $4,000 to $5,000 in sales per email using his Simple Money Email techniques. This presentation serves as a deep dive into how the strategy works in practice, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at real campaigns and real results.

If you’ve ever wondered how to create emails that consistently bring in revenue, this bonus alone is worth its weight in gold. It’s a no-nonsense guide to writing emails that don’t just get opened but actually convert.

4. 9 Deadly Email Sins

John has spent years coaching business owners and course creators on how to improve their email marketing. Along the way, he’s identified nine common mistakes that kill conversions. In this part of the course, he walks you through each one, explaining why it’s a problem and how to fix it.

This section is particularly helpful if you’ve been sending emails for a while but aren’t seeing the results you want. By addressing these “deadly sins,” you can eliminate the roadblocks that are preventing your emails from performing at their best.

Why Should You Join?

So, who is Simple Money Email for? Honestly, it’s for anyone who wants to get better at email marketing. Whether you’re a small business owner trying to build your list, a freelancer offering email services, or a marketer looking to refine your skills, this course has something for you.

It’s especially great if you’re tired of overly complicated email strategies that don’t seem to work. John’s method is refreshingly straightforward, and it’s designed to give you quick wins. You don’t need to spend weeks mastering the material—just a few hours, and you’ll be ready to start applying what you’ve learned.

Here’s a quick breakdown of who would benefit the most:

  • Business Owners: If you’re running a business, you know how important it is to connect with your audience. Simple Money Email will teach you how to do that without wasting time or resources.
  • Freelancers: Looking to offer email marketing services to clients? This course will give you the tools to deliver results quickly and efficiently, making you more valuable to your clients.
  • Marketers: If you’ve been in the game for a while but feel like your emails could use a refresh, this course will provide new insights and techniques to boost your conversions.
  • Beginners: Even if you’re just getting started with email marketing, John’s simple approach makes it easy to understand. You don’t need to be a seasoned pro to get value out of this course.

Additional Perks and Bonuses

On top of the core training and swipe files, you’ll also get access to some fantastic bonuses. These include:

  • Lifetime Access: Once you’re in, you’re in. You’ll have lifetime access to all the materials, so you can revisit them whenever you need a refresher.
  • Regular Updates: Email marketing is always evolving, and John keeps his course up-to-date with the latest strategies and techniques.
  • Private Community: You’ll be part of a private group where you can ask questions, share insights, and get feedback from other members. This sense of community can be incredibly valuable as you implement what you’ve learned.
  • No-Fuss Refund Policy: While there’s no refund policy, John’s confidence in the course speaks volumes. The content is so valuable that once you have access, you won’t be disappointed.


How long does the course take to complete?
The course is self-paced, so you can go through it at your own speed. Most people can get through the material in a few days, but you’ll have lifetime access to revisit it as needed.

Is this suitable for beginners?
Absolutely. John’s approach is straightforward and easy to follow, making it perfect for those who are new to email marketing.

What if I don’t have a large email list?
No worries. The techniques you’ll learn in Simple Money Email can be applied to lists of any size, and they’ll actually help you grow your list over time.

Final Thoughts

In a world where inboxes are overflowing, it’s more important than ever to stand out with your email marketing. John Bejakovic’s Simple Money Email offers a refreshing, no-BS approach that cuts through the noise. It’s not about being flashy or writing endless paragraphs—it’s about delivering clear, concise, and compelling messages that drive action.

If you’re ready to up your email game and start seeing real results, this course is a fantastic investment. With lifetime access, practical examples, and a proven strategy, Simple Money Email gives you everything you need to succeed. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and start creating emails that don’t just get read—they get results.

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John Bejakovic – Simple Money Email Contains: Videos, PDF’s


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