Gabor Mate – The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course

Gabor Mate – The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course

Gabor Mate – The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course

If you’ve ever been moved by the work of Dr. Gabor Maté, you know he’s not just another voice in the realm of trauma and healing—he’s a transformative force. His teachings have reshaped how we understand trauma, addiction, and the mind-body connection. And now, with his Compassionate Inquiry Short Course, you have a chance to dive even deeper into his powerful therapeutic approach.

Course ScreenShot

Gabor Mate – The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course

What Is the Compassionate Inquiry Short Course?

Think of this course as your personal gateway into the world of Compassionate Inquiry. It’s a self-paced, online program that Dr. Maté has meticulously crafted to guide you through understanding and applying his method. This isn’t just another course filled with theory; it’s a journey designed to help you explore the deep-seated stories and beliefs that often unconsciously shape your life. With over 30 hours of video content, narrated presentations, and a wealth of resources, this course is like having Dr. Maté himself guide you through the process of healing and self-discovery.

The Heart of Compassionate Inquiry

At its core, Compassionate Inquiry is all about uncovering the unconscious narratives that influence your behavior, health, and overall well-being. Dr. Maté’s approach isn’t about quick fixes or superficial solutions. Instead, it’s about creating a safe and compassionate space where you can explore your inner world and address the root causes of your struggles.

As Dr. Maté puts it:

“The purpose of Compassionate Inquiry is to drill down to the core stories people tell themselves—to get them to see what story they are telling themselves unconsciously; what those beliefs are, where they came from; and guide them to the possibility of letting go of those stories, or letting go of the hold those stories have on them.”

A Closer Look at the Course Structure

The course is broken down into four main sections, each thoughtfully designed to build on the previous one, ensuring that by the end, you’ve got a solid grasp of how to apply Compassionate Inquiry in your own life or practice.

1. Course Introduction

You’ll start with a warm welcome from Dr. Maté and Sat Dharam, setting the stage for what’s to come. This section also gives you access to essential resources like the Compassionate Inquiry Map and reading lists, helping you get grounded before diving into the more intensive parts of the course.

What You’ll Get:

  • A personal intro from Dr. Maté and Sat Dharam.
  • All the essential resources to help you navigate the course effectively.

2. Compassionate Inquiry Workshop with Dr. Gabor Maté

This is where the magic happens. You’ll get to watch a complete two-day workshop led by Dr. Maté, broken down into four parts. This isn’t just theory; you’ll see real people engaging in Compassionate Inquiry, with Dr. Maté guiding them through the process. It’s a rare chance to watch this master in action and understand how these principles apply in real-life scenarios.

What You’ll Get:

  • Over nine hours of workshop footage with Dr. Maté.
  • Real-world applications of Compassionate Inquiry.
  • Practical demonstrations of how to guide therapeutic sessions.

3. Summaries of 8 Modules with Sat Dharam

Here’s where you’ll dig into the nuts and bolts of Compassionate Inquiry. Sat Dharam takes you through eight modules that cover everything from the qualities needed to be an effective therapist to the specific skills you’ll use during sessions. This section is packed with detailed insights that make even the most complex ideas accessible.

What You’ll Get:

  • A deep dive into the essential qualities and skills for Compassionate Inquiry.
  • Clear, actionable insights into applying Dr. Maté’s teachings.
  • Supplementary PDFs that reinforce what you’ve learned in each module.

4. Conversations with Dr. Gabor Maté

The course wraps up with 10 powerful conversations where Dr. Maté models Compassionate Inquiry in real-time with participants. These aren’t just casual chats; they’re deeply insightful sessions that give you a front-row seat to the nuances of his method. Plus, you’ll get transcripts of each conversation, so you can revisit and reflect on them as much as you need.

What You’ll Get:

  • Intimate, real-world examples of Compassionate Inquiry in action.
  • Insights into how to facilitate deep therapeutic work.
  • Transcripts for further study and reflection.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is perfect for therapists, counselors, and anyone interested in understanding trauma and its effects on mental and physical health. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, the Compassionate Inquiry Short Course offers something valuable for everyone. It’s not just about gaining knowledge; it’s about transforming how you approach healing—both for yourself and others.

Why Compassionate Inquiry Matters

In today’s fast-paced world, where quick fixes are often preferred over deep healing, Compassionate Inquiry stands out as a profoundly necessary approach. It’s about digging deep, understanding the root causes of pain, and fostering true healing from the inside out. Dr. Maté’s method is grounded in empathy, safety, and a deep respect for the human experience—qualities that make it a powerful tool for anyone serious about making lasting changes in their life or the lives of others.

Final Thoughts: Is This Course for You?

In short, yes. The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course isn’t just another online program; it’s a life-changing experience. With its comprehensive content, real-life examples, and practical tools, this course equips you with everything you need to start using Compassionate Inquiry in your own life or practice. If you’re ready to embark on a journey of healing and transformation, this course is the perfect starting point.


1. How long does the course take to complete?
You’re looking at over 30 hours of content, but the beauty of this course is that it’s self-paced. Take your time and absorb the material at a pace that works for you.

2. Do I need to be a therapist to benefit from this course?
Absolutely not. While the course is incredibly beneficial for therapists, it’s also designed for anyone interested in personal growth and healing.

3. What’s included in the Compassionate Inquiry Workshop?
You’ll get a full two-day workshop with Dr. Maté, divided into four parts. It’s a rare opportunity to see him in action, applying Compassionate Inquiry in real-life scenarios.

4. How will this course improve my practice?
If you’re a therapist, this course will give you powerful new tools to help your clients. Even if you’re not, the insights you gain can profoundly impact your personal journey toward healing.

5. Is there support if I have questions during the course?
While it’s a self-paced course, the material is presented in a way that’s easy to follow. Plus, you’ll have access to transcripts and resources that can help guide you if you get stuck.

Ready to Transform?

If you’re ready to dig deep and explore the roots of your unconscious narratives, or if you’re a therapist looking to add a powerful tool to your practice, the Compassionate Inquiry Short Course is your next step. With Dr. Gabor Maté as your guide, you’re in for a journey that could change the way you understand and approach healing—forever.

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Gabor Mate – The Compassionate Inquiry Short Course Contains: Videos, PDF’s


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